Cute to Boot Accessories

I love love looooove accessories. Accessories really and truly are a girl's best friend. Accessories can transform a plain dull outfit into something feminine, sexy and sophisticated. I love the rush you get when that happens. Pull on your jeans, add a checked shirt and boots, and then throw on a scarf, add some bangles and a cute bag and you look completely different.

The thing I love more than accessories are VINTAGE and RETRO accessories. is THE best website for vintage accessories in my opinion. They are undeniably adorable. The second I access this website Im working out ways to steal my dads credit card so I can buy the lot. The cute necklaces and earrings give me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. They sell accessories that are so unique and cannot be found in any shops here. Urban Outfitters would be the closest thing to it, similarity wise, but the range on this site is so so SO much better.

These are a few things on my wishlist at the mo:

Mmmmmmmm :D


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