Although I adore makeup and fashion, ive decided to post about something else im quite passionate about, and thats food!
Many of you might not know this, but I am qualified chef! Ive worked in lots and lots of kitchens and am currently in my final year of a BA degree in Culinary Arts. Random I know. :P
Many bloggers devote their entire blogs to writing about food, and while the main focus of my blog is fashion and beauty related, I thought it wouldnt hurt to post about food every now and again :) I mean who doesnt love food?!
I am really interested in nutrition and thats why my post is called 'Healthy Appetite'. Many girls are keen on dieting and eating right, but I can honestly say this is not going to be me lecturing about whats good for you and what isnt. This is going to be about comfort food, indulgent food, rustic food and just plain and simply good food.
Yesterday I made a chocolate and orange mousse as a simple but tasty dessert to finish a lovely meal that I cooked for my boyfriend. It was so easy and tasty and good for you that it inspired me to write a post about it.
Many people aren't bothered making desserts and chocolate mousse is one of those things that sort of scares people.
It honestly could not be simpler. Dieters automatically shun it because, well, its chocolate, but I use the best quality chocolate, dark chocolate, and this type of chocolate is actually good for you :)
Milk chocolate contains more sugar and less cocoa bean, making it more popular, but dark chocolate contains less sugar, hence why it is so bitter.
Chocolate mousse is so versatile, can be combined with a variety of flavourings, is simple to prepare and can be made in advance.
Heres mine:
Chocolate and Orange Mousse
Serves 6
You'll need:
250g Dark Choc - I used Bournville!
3 Eggs
60g Caster Sugar
250ml Cream
2 Oranges
1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a small saucepan of simmering water. (You could just melt it in the microwave but be careful that it doesnt burn!) Cool.
2. Beat the eggs with the sugar in a separate bowl until pale, frothy, and increased in volume. Grate in the zest of one of the oranges and squeeze in the juice of half of that orange.
3. Lightly whip the cream in a separate bowl.
4. Pour the cooled chocolate into the egg mix, and gently mix to combine.
5. Fold in the cream.
6. Segment the remaining orange and put 1 or 2 segments in the bottom of each of 6 small glasses. (I like to use tea cups :) )
7. Pour the chocolate mousse over the segments and chill in the fridge until set. (This usually takes about 2-4hrs).
8. Garnish with a sprig of mint et voila! Chocolate and Orange Mousse :)
It honestly tastes like a Terry's Chocolate Orange :) Ive done looooads of variations of this dessert too.
- Omit the orange and add 1tbsp dark rum to the egg mix to make Chocolate and Rum Mousse
- Omit the orange and add 1tsp peppermint essence to the egg mix to make Chocolate and Mint Mousse (Tastes like After Eights!)
- Omit the orange and fold in raspberries or white chocolate chips to the egg mix to make either Chocolate and Raspberry Mousse or Dark and White Chocolate Mousse :)
- Sprinkle some toasted chopped hazelnuts or pistachios over the top for a nutty flavour :)
The variations are endless!
If you like the sound of this decadent dessert you should definitely try it for yourself. Its seriously comforting and light enough to finish a big meal.
Hope you enjoyed! :) xx
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