New Love: Zara

I have always zoomed right past Zara in my quest for purchasing new season garments as I had always assumed it was a bit too 'grown up' for me. COULD I BE MORE WRONG?!

I had a gander last week as it was pay day and whenever pay day comes around I go on a mad one. What can I say. I had a bit of time to spare and saw a gorgeous blazer in the display window. I went in and although the blazer in question was delicious, I was more drawn to some of their other pieces. The hues and colours were all perfect for spring; soft shades of pinks, rose, nude, and camel graced the shelves and rails.

I had a totally embarrassing moment where I was trying on a pair of trousers, and low and behold.. I found the zip to be faulty. In the end I had to be cut out, yes cut out of the trousers by three sales assistants. I felt too ashamed to continue shopping so I left hurriedly, only to feel sad that I hadn't purchased the gorgeous pieces I had coveted.

I did in the end return to purchase some bits and bobs, but I just thought I'd show you my current Zara picks. :)

I am meeting up with some of the blogging girlies tomorrow so I will be posting pics of that soon :)

Hope youre all having a lovely weekend :)
Aoif xx


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