Friday Night Outfit Of The Night

What better way to begin the Christmas celebrations than drinks with friends. That's exactly what I did on Friday night. 

I haven't done an outfit of the night post in forever and ever so I though it was he perfect time to make a blog post out of it too, and to show you all my new H&M beauty of a jacket 

Having not seen my friends for a while thanks to an insane amount of work and to be honest a fairly crap week drinks was the best thing in the world to do.  We popped along to 37 on Dawson Street, a personal favourite of mine for many drinks and a lot of laughing. 

So much in fact getting any photos of the night didn't happen what so ever, but I did manage to snag a quick snap of my outfit before I left. 

Jacket- H&M
Jeans- Topshop
Shoes- Zara (Last Season) 
Bag- Chanel
Necklace- Zara

I bought these shoes after eying them up on The Londoner a little while ago. They are the perfect Winter heel. One that you can wear cuddly socks with and nobody will know. 

Hope you enjoyed the weekend!! I have so many exciting Christmassy posts on the way so hope you enjoy them all. 



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