Christmas Gift Guide for Her

I always find buying for girls a lot easier than boys. Could be because I am a girl so I know what we like ha! Ive compiled a list of my dream presents and ones I think would be perfect for any girl- Boys are you listening??? 

A female verson of my ideal boys present. Obviously a more girly choice they would be displayed a lot more than any boy would. Who wouldnt want an adorable Bunny chilling in their room. 

All girls love recieving Jewellary for christmas, its a given, and lately I've become obsessed with evil eye braceletes. I dont know what it is but I just find them so beautiful, and call me supersticious but I totally believe in them. This beauty is by Marc Jacobs and it is beautiful. Really hope I wake up to this on christmas morning ''WINK''!!!

Jo Malone is the perfect gift for all women.  All of the products cater for different people and also age groups. Personally I adore the scents and the body moisterisers while my boyfriends mom adores the defusers, so its 2 presents in one store for himself. 
For my graduation I was gifter the Dark Amber & Ginger lilly from the boys mum. I have been nabbing sprays of this for easily the last year and I'm so happy I now have it to spray myself without running in and out of the store like a maniac. 
This is a very intense scent so perfect for someone who adores their intense perfume. 

I adore Michael Kors watches and judging from the amount I see hanging on the arms of different girls I'm not alone. Such a classic piece and one that would look amazing under any Christmas tree!! Also boys if you treat your girl to this it gives her no excuse to ever be late again!!! It's a (small) benefit for you as well. 

I was lucky enough to be treated to one of these beauties from the boys mum last Christmas and I get so much wear out of it. However as much as I love my pink and white beauty I have fallen head over heels for the new Mc Queen Ombre effect scarfs. They are a lot larger than the normal scarfs ( And a higher price obviously). They are so unusual and absolutely beautiful. I may treat myself to one of these beauties post christmas. They are just to beautiful to say no to. 

3. Celine Handbag 

Show me a woman who does not want a Celine handbag.....Yep thats right there is none. I will admit I hated these bags at first but after many, many, many visits to celine and one beautiful Petrol one I have oogled on my friends arm (Yes Caroline Thats You) I have fallen head over heels for them. Maybe if Ive been a very good girl this year Santa may be very nice!! If not my birthday better product one;) 


If all else fails, get the girl in your life a voucher. Vouchers save all, especially when your stuck for presents. 


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