The Truth About Beauty Blogging.

This is a different post. It is not a rant. Just an assemblage of opinions. I like that word, assemblage.

First off, I love blogging. I started way back in early 2010 and had no clue about the blogging world I was about to enter. I am so thankful for every single person who reads my posts, leaves a comment, and clicks that little follow button. The truth is, I didn't start blogging to gain notoriety, fame, popularity or acclaim, I did it because I felt that I had no one to talk to about my thoughts, at the time that is. I wanted to create my own personal space where I could blather on about whatever the hell I wanted, and no one could criticize, but where I felt better about being able to post something, be it a picture of something that inspired me, or a short paragraph about how I was feeling that day.

Fast forward a year and a half and I have realised that the blogging world is different to what I once thought it was, and it is no longer just your personal space, because as you gain followers, you realise more and more people are interested in what you have to say. You share your personal space with these lovely people that follow you, and you connect with people in a different way. This isn't a soppy post, or one of which I deem to be illusory or sentimental, because although I hold my hand up and say I am truly touched by the people that actually care about what I have to say, there are some things about the blogging world which really irritate and vex me.

This is not a personal attack on anyone, purely my own opinion, before you think I am some acrimonious bitch who feels the need to devote an entire blog post to a rant about a specific person. This is not it.

Recently I have felt that the beauty blogging world in particular has become a sort of competition, a race to see how many followers one can get. No one really cares about how many followers a person has, it is quality over quantity. I am more likely to read a persons blog posts before I decide to follow them rather than see how popular they are. In saying that, there is actually an abounding number of blogs that I have found recently that I truly enjoy reading, and these girls have had little or no followers. These girls shouldn't have to feel like they need an abundance of followers to be successful blogger, although unfortunately I think that's what it comes down to. There are some blogs that have thousands or hundreds of followers that I don't care to read, because the quality of the content doesn't appeal to me. Each to their own I say. If you are reading this and you don't have many followers, all I can say is, don't fret, don't panic, don't think you are unsuccessful, because out there, there is someone that does want to read and listen to what you have to say, they may just not have found you yet.

Another thing. The subject of the infamous giveaway. I am aware I just held a giveaway for makeup goodies, so don't think I am about to contradict myself when I say this, but holding mass giveaways solely for the purpose of gaining followers really gets my goat (Its starting to sound like a rant now, isn't it). It was my first ever giveaway, and I held it as a thank you to all the girls that were following me, I wanted to give something back to them, (you!). All of a sudden I am bombarded with entries from bloggers I had never seen, heard of, or chatted to, and as my followers count went up by 200, (crazy!), it dawned on me that many people only follow you to enter your giveaway. That is most definitely NOT to say I am any less grateful to those following me, so please don't think that, it was just a realisation of sorts. I too am guilty of following a blog solely for the purpose of entering a giveaway, as I think many of us are, but I think I was just surprised because 1. Most of the entries were from girls that only recently became my followers, and 2. News of a giveaway really travels fast! Honestly, I won't be surprised if some of my followers actually un-follow because of my bluntness, or because they haven't actually won my giveaway, but sometimes I think things need to be said, and hopefully you will fathom my honesty. (I don't sugarcoat nothin'!)

Free stuff. You've heard about it, i've heard about it, we've all bloody heard about it. Yes it IS amazing to get free products from companies, hell I love getting free products from companies. Does it happen often? No. When it does happen do I take every product i'm offered? No.
Again, this isn't a personal attack on anyone, so if youre reading this and you get free stuff from companies, don't assume I'm talking about you, I'm probably not. This is a collective/general thing. I have been offered various products to review in the past, both for my blog and my YouTube channel, and when it first occurred I lapped up the chance to get a bitta free makeup. Who wouldn't right? It was from the company ELF, and they offered me an assortment of products, and even though I hadn't heard much about them, was I going to turn them down?! Hell no. Before I reviewed the products, it occurred to me that I myself have purchased other products made famous by YouTubers 'reviewing' them, but really they were telling all their viewers how fantastic they were, when really, some of them truly weren't. I made a pact with myself to always be perfectly honest with my subscribers and followers about products that were sent to me for free, as I knew first hand how dissatified one felt when they had purchased products that had been raved about which really weren't all that. I reviewed my ELF products, liked some, disliked others, and was perfectly honest about it. End of story. Since then I have been wary and watchful of products that have been offered to me. If I think the product is absolutely ridiculous of course Im going to say no. I was also recently offered products from a particular company but ineptly, there was a catch. There's always a catch. I was asked to blog about the products, before I had received them. I couldn't receive the products until I did a lavish blog post about them. Was I going to do that? Of course not. I don't believe in selling or advertising something to my followers which I myself don't even know anything about. Maybe it's because I have a conscience. I want my followers to be able to trust what I have to say, not take my word as the only word, but know that I'm not going to take advantage or abuse the situation. Yes, free stuff is amazing, but what is more important? Making yourself look pretty by slapping on free makeup, or your loyalty to your followers that take the time to actually read your posts? They don't have to follow you. They follow because they like what you have to say. Don't abuse them!

Lastly, on the subject of free stuff, I feel so privileged and honoured to actually be asked to consider reviewing products, that I turn into this shy, thankful and forever grateful muppet. What gets my goat (ok, this is a rant), is when people take advantage of that, and go out of their way to request free stuff. I think personally it's downright rude. What do these companies owe you? Nothing. You don't work for them. You're not affiliated with them whatsoever. So why do you feel that you have the right to free products? You don't. It's not a competition. Whoever gets the most free stuff wins? Thats comical. That's another thing about the beauty blogging community, some bloggers turn it into a competition or just a big bitch about eachother. Please note I know it may sound like im bitching about bitching, but I am NOT bitching about anyone here! Just blabbering. I am quite sick of bitchiness in the beauty blogging world, and little sly comments/remarks. We all write posts because of our love for all things beauty right? I do it because I don't feel like my friends are into it as much as me. I have no one in the ahem, 'real world' to blather on to about makeup as much as I'd actually like to blather on about it. Us beauty bloggers, have one thing in common. That we all love talking, using, and trying makeup, all of us, that's why we post about it. So why should the one thing that brought us all together be turned into a competition. There are enough petty cliques in the real world, some of us are here for that reason alone. Because we feel that there is no one else who understands our obsession for all things beauty related. If we all have that in common, why turn it into a petty teenage clique? I have made so so so many friends in the blogosphere, I have met some truly amazing people, and it feels pretty cool to be able to consider them my friends.

I know this might not be everyones cup of blog tea, but sometimes I feel that things need to be out there. Take from this post what you like, but as previously mentioned, this was just a bundle of my own personal opinions.

If any of you have anything to add i'd love to hear it!

Hope you all are having a lovely week :)


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