I love these kinds of lists. I love lists in general. Over the past two or so years I have become very very organised. I make budget lists, shopping lists, things to do lists, recipe idea lists, blog idea lists... and the list goes on. You get the idea.
I have found a large number of blogs lately that I am absolutely in love with. I have stayed up for hours just trawling through them. Sad I know. But when you find something you enjoy reading, heck don't stop! These are mostly foodie blogs, and my god, I have found such amazing things, it makes me so excited and tingly inside. I do have a food blog, but unfortunately it has been neglected since January, but I think I have been motivated to hop back on that bandwagon, as I have made some things quite recently that I have been inspired by and they make me want to share them. This being one of them.
I made this cupcake for my little cousins first birthday, and toyed with the idea of starting my own cupcakery, you know, selling to friends and family etc before I could actually get the experience (and money) to open a bakery. It's something I love doing, as I majored in Pastry as part of my Culinary Arts degree and I would love to make a career out of making these, as well as other things. Like these.
This was an Autumnal inspired Wedding Cake and was so lovely to make. Spot the handmade blackberries!
I recently got a new job! Yippee! A real, proper, full time, post degree, 'real life starts now' job. One of which gives me a great deal of responsibility, and a full time pay check! YES. The only thing I worry about is going into a new job, where everyone is settled, being the new kid on the block, but being their superior and having to tell them what to do. I am quite nervous about that part actually, because although I can have a bossy side to my personality and character, I don't want to be the bitch that swans in barking orders at people. I have waited nearly 3 months to find the perfect full time job, and have turned down a few in my quest for self fulfilment. I want to be somewhere where I am wanted, and where I can show off my skills and abilities, and I am quite fussy, so yes, I have turned down jobs in search of my perfect job. Whether this is my perfect job or not remains to be told. I start tomorrow. :)
Now that I am finished college and the summer is over, I don't know what to be doing with myself. On my days off I usually had some assignment to finish, and that, along with seeing the boyf and going out with the girls made up most of my week. I have now turned my attention to something which I put off doing for the last 5 years, my driving test. Woopee. My driving test! The thought scares the living daylights out of me. I get nervous and agitated in awkward situations, but now that I have secured the full time job, (omg I cannot WAIT til payday), I have set my sights on buying my first car. I want a mini. A cream one. (Optimistic much?!) I am a nightmare when it comes to saving, so this will give me the motivation I need to get on it! I booked my theory test, for the second time, as I failed my first one (by 1 question!), and my parents offered driving lessons as a graduation present. Hopefully this will occupy me for the months ahead!
Speaking of jobs, the last 3 months have been hell, being broke, you know the score. I have made lists and lists (LISTS!) of potential beauty purchases, and things I just 'need' to have. Its hard being a girl really. I cant wait to get some decent skincare bits, to try to find my new Holy Grail foundation, and to purchase some Kerastase products to sort the barnet out.
I know this was a total babble, and Im sorry if you don't like these, but I just needed to let it out! We all need a bit of a babble once in a while.
Also, thank you all for your comments on my last post The Truth About Beauty Blogging, it was a controversial post and I'm actually quite relieved that so many of you share the same views that I do.
I have also added some new tabs to the top of my blog page, including a Blogs I Love tab and Things I Love tab. Check them out if you fancy a bit of reading! :)
Hope you all had a fab weekend!
Over and out.
Over and out.
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