Virtual Makeover from Topshop

Hello my sweets!

So if youre an avid Topshop fan like myself you'll know that Topshop released their very own Makeup line yesterday. I was interested to hear reviews and such before I went to try out their products, because I really did not want to be wasting my moola on makeup that wasn't great yano?!


If youre a fan of Topshop on Facebook, you may have been updated that their website only moments ago launched a Virtual Makeover application. (Yes Im on the ball!)

It allows you to upload a picture of yourself and test out the makeup on your face to see what colours suit! Its quite ingenious really. So I had some fun with it and voila!

Here's a pic of my 'virtual makeover'. :)


And After:

haha :) Trés realistic!

If you want to try it out for yourself just clicky

Have a lovely friday! :)


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