Pre Birthday Date Night and OOTN

Hi Lovelies

So it's official I'm now a grown up and finally 21! Slightly scary to be going into my proper 20's, already miss my teenage years

Many of you may know from twitter that it was my birthday on Monday. I was beyond excited for it and both my parents and my boyfriend made it one of the most special days of my life.

I had planned to have a mini break with the boy this past weekend but sadly we had to cancel due to his work and family commitments I had. :( To make up for the lack of our mini break we decided to have a date night on Saturday, as well as him giving me my birthday pressie.. The boy sure did treat me this year, he was offaly bold and bought me something I have wanted since I was a little girl

..dun dun dun.....

He brought Chanel into my life. The brat bought me the most beautiful Chanel shopper tote. She is my new love.

To go with my new bag, we also headed to a new restaurant. We were suggest this when trying to book one of our favourite dublin restaurants Saba which was sadly booked up. They told us about this amazing new Indian Tapas(so unusual right?) restaurant that's only been open a week called Indie Dhaba  . Upon calling they told me it was booked up but thanks to some slight flirting and dropping its was my birthday we were in.

I love trying new restaurants especially when they have such amazing recommendations from other restaurants. I googled the menu and was already in love before I got there. The restaurant it's self is a few notches too bright if I'm being honest, but it has amazing architecture and incredibly high ceilings.

Now on to the food! We got a selection of  3 mini plates and 2 mains as advised. You can also go down the tapas route of 5 tapas and 1 main. It's totally up to you.

For our starter we shared the "Pappadum Bruschetta" which was a colourful mix of flavoured popadom  and a mildly spicy Indian vegetable Ratatouille . We also shared some incredible Indian flavoured Crab and Crayfish fish cakes called the "Bangla Crab Chop " and the most incredible Indo-Chinese chicken stir fry called the "Tangra Chili Chicken". This dish orientated from an area in Calcutta which has a large Chinese population that has influenced the food.   I would solely go back for this dish myself. It was beyond incredible.

For our mains I decided to go way out of my comfort zone and try an Indian flavoured chicken chow mein called the "Tibetian chow-Mein". I have never tried one in a Chinese setting let alone one with an Indian twist. It was rally amazing.

Himself decided to go for the "Galinadexacuttisausages" When he ordered he didn't have a clue what it was , and neither did I with a name that length. When it arrived he was shocked. It looked like bangers and mash- to all non Irish and uk readers basically its sausages, potatoes and gravy, however it was so much more. It was a chicken sausage , on a bed of mashed potato with an Indian flavoured gravy on top. Something he would highly recommend. 

All served with a delicious and scrumsush Onion,Garlic and coriander Naan bread

I would high advise this restaurant to anyone wanting to dine in dublin


Of course this wouldn't be a blog post about a night out with me doing an outfit of the day:)
Thanks to himself this one has a nice new pressie with it;)

Jacket: Zara
Top: Zora
Heels: Zara
Handbag: Chanel
Scarf : Alexander Mc Queen

Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Any plans for valentines day either with a significant other or not??



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