A Weekend Away

Hi Lovelies, 

Hope you are all well. i know its been forever since I've blogged. I honestly have had one of those horribly hectic weeks. Between friends moving to London, 2 Assignments due and an anniversary with the boy I have only remembered as I am writing this. I think that just proves how horribly busy I have been BUT I promise this week I will make up for it. I have the week off from college and although I have a few assignments to finish I promise I will be posting for you. I have so many in the pipeline that I want to share its just so hard to make any time. 

Any who, enough with the blabber, and on to my post. The boy,being as lovely as he is, foresaw how hectic this week was going to be and decided enough was enough and brought me away for the weekend.
Now when I say ''Away'' it was only to outer Dublin. But it was to one of the hotels I have always wanted to go to. Set in the middle of Dublin 20 minutes from the city, it looks like its set within the country. Located in a historical estate from the 1700's it has all of the characteristics from the original period, yet is classic and modern. Its perfection. I have always driven by here and was so insanely happy when himself turned up the drive way. 

We only spent the night there as it wasn't even possible to do two with our schedules at the moment, honestly unemployment is really beginning to look appealing just to get away from all this work. 

After check-in, we popped down to the Orangerie bar. This bar has floor to ceiling windows looking out on to the grounds of the hotel. It is beautiful. It always a plus to find a nice bar within a hotel!!

We may have also indulged in a few sneaky Bellini's!! They are my new loves. 

So post hotel bar drinks we popped back upstairs to our room to freshen up for dinner. Unbeknown to me himself booked an amazing Italian restaurant called Toscana in Dun Laoighaire. I have always heard about this place and himself has been going there since he was a child so I was ecstatic to go, and of course I couldn't be a blogger and not show off my Outfit for dinner. 

I decided to go dressy but also slightly casual for the night. I didn't want to end up in the hotel bar overly dressed. 

Blazer; Miss Selfridge
Jeans; Topshop
Shoes; Kurt Geiger 
Bag; Chanel
Bracelet; Swarovski

Now I know this outfit is fairly safe....but please lets just take a moment for the shoes. 

How can a girl ever say no to a pair of Hot Pink SHOES!!!! Especially when they are reduced from €255 to €45. It would have been a sin to say no!!!!! 

Aren't they fab?

Also I know the photo quality is a tad shit, but how incredible do these deserts look?? Himself went with the Apple and Berry crumble which was delish, and I went with the Tiramisu. This was beyond incredible. We have both vowed to go back again purely for the tiramisu for dinner. 

So the next day,  after our italian induced food sleep and the most delicious deserts ever , we decided to savour our remaining hours in the hotel and have a roam around the gardens. Thankfully it was mild or I would have frozen. 

Isnt this just the most amazing hotel you have ever seen? Its so beautiful. 

So for our garden stroll I decided to go super casual with my outfit. We were heading out shopping once we checked out. 

Caridigan; All Saints
Tank Tops( Layered) ; H&M
Jeans; Levi
Flats; Zara
Scarf; Zara
Bag; Chanel

Also It cant be a weekend away without a cheeky starbucks ;) 

I am truely in love with this hotel. Already planning the wedding ;) Also with that im also planning more posts just incase I have a week like last and cant get arond to post. I promise it will be different. Hope your all well. 



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