Beauty Blogger Tag!

(Photo WeLoveIt edited by me) 

Hi lovelies

So it's been a while since I've done a tag and I've seen this one popping around a few blogs so I thought I'd give it a go. I love doing tag posts. I find them so much fun. There also a great way to learn about a blogger. 

Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
Its a wavy/Straight mix. 

Whats your natural hair colour?
A Very dark brown. 

Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I've never actually dyed my hair, but i did get ombre over the summer if thats not counted as dying. I absolutely love it. Really want to go back and get it touched up. 

Do you wear the same style everyday or do you change it?
I kinda wear the same staples all the time but will add pieces like a blazer or a big warm jumper to mix it up now and then.

Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I love treating myself to a mani/pedi from time to time but usually i do it all myself. I don't have the funds to live in a salon sadly.

How often do you change your nail polish?
Usually every week or when it gets chipped. If i can really bored of it tho i will change it daily!

Do you polish your toes in the winter or just the summer?
I usually polish them in the summer but i do think cute painted toes look nice all year round. 

How long does it take for you to put on your makeup?
I've perfected the 5 minute make up for college but if i have the time it will usually be about 15-20 minutes. 

What do you do first, face or eyes?
I always do foundation, eyes, then powder. 

Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
Usually a bit of both, but lately i've been mostly collecting. Don't think ill need to buy makeup for a few months.

How often do you wear false eye lashes?
I always wear them if I'm going out for a night with the girls. 

Do you do a full face of makeup everyday?
I never intend on doing a full face but usually end up with what started as a subtle eye becoming a dramatic one. 

Do you wear makeup when you are home alone, or with family?
Not usually. Ill only ever throw it on if I'm going out somewhere with family. 

Will you leave the house without makeup?
Usually yea. Im not always bothered to put it on.

How many high end products do you have?
Quite a few. I've always been a bit of a high-end make up junkie. 

Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
For college , so I'm not late, ill plan it at night but its usually decided when I'm getting dressed.

How often do you change your handbag?
I usually have the same bag for college but i tend to change my regular handbag quite often depending where I'm going and what I'm wearing. 

What time do you get up and go to sleep?
Usually around 11.30/12ish and i get up for college usually around 8 so I've gotten into the habit of that time at the weekends too.

How often or when do you work out?
I try to work out 3 times a week but I'm so busy at the moment so thats not happening.

Left handed or right handed?
Right handed.:)

How tall are you?
Im fairly petit. Im around 5'3 ish. 

Do you speak a foreign language?
I speak a tiny bit of french. Its my new years resolution to be fluent by the end of the year. 

How many pets do you have? 
I have one adorable little 3 year old puppy. He's a cross between a miniature collie and we don't know his father. 

How often are you on blogger?
I usually check it everyday, but post maybe 3 times a week if i can!!!

Do you read comments posted on blogs?
Yes!I always read them. I try to write back when i have the time. 

Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
Sometimes. Especially if they have written something amazing about the product. 

How did you come up with your blog name?
I actually can't remember its been so long!

What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
Usually my IPhone or else i have an Olympus HD camera for better quality shots.  

How often do you clean your house?
I live with my parents still, but i try to clean my room everyday. Its still usually a mess even after I've cleaned. 

What is your favorite colour?
I have so many but I'd have to say at the moment its baby pink and tiffany blue.

Do you swear?
YEP!!! it usually just comes out mid conversation with out even realising.

What are you doing with the rest of your day?

Hope you guys enjoyed this tag. If you all decide to do it leave the link in the comments:) 



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