GIVEAWAY! Mac + Sleek Goodies! (NOW CLOSED!)

Hello my lovelies!! This is a giveaway for all of my fabulous followers as a thank you for reading my blog. I recently hit 300 followers and to be honest I can't believe anybody would want to listen to me blabber on. I appreciate all your lovely comments and I have made so many new friends on the blogosphere as well as on Youtube, so as promised, I'm going to give away some goodies to one lovely follower. :)

The Goodies

Any Sleek Palette of your choice
Any MAC Lipstick of your choice

Both products will be purchased by me once the giveaway ends and the winner is contacted regarding choice of palette and colour.
Sleek Palette's include Bad Girl, Storm, Sunset, Acid, Original, and Oh So Special. MAC lipsticks are subject to availability!

To Enter

Please be a follower of Fashion Turn to the Right via GFC if you wish to enter
Follow me on Twitter HERE

For extra entries:

Tweet my Giveaway! "I've entered @Nooonabean 's giveaway! Click here to enter! :) " +1 entry
Subscribe to my YouTube Channel +2 entries
Put the image above in your sidebar with a link to this post +3 entries
Write a blog post about this giveaway with a link to this post +5 entries

The Rules

Leave a comment on this post with the Sleek Palette and MAC Lipstick you'd like to win, if you prefer, your favourite eyeshadow and lipstick. Once the winner is chosen I will contact them for their details and to finalise their choice :)
The winner will be selected randomly using
This giveaway is open internationally
The giveaway closes on Saturday September 10th at midnight GMT

Don't forget to leave links to your extra entries in your comment so I can see them!
And please leave your email address so I can contact you if you win :)

Good luck! :) x


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