The Best Hand Cream in the World, EVER.

I have a little bit of a problem with trying to find perfect skincare, for my hands that is. Unfortunately for my mitts I work in an environment which exposes them to harsh conditions, that is, in a professional kitchen, where the washing and drying of hands is as regular occurrence as blinking. No really. You wouldn't think someone would have to wash their hands so often, but when you directly work with food, and in my case it's Pastry, it's very hands on, get your hands stuck in there kind of thing; kneading bread, making pastry, getting covered in chocolate, I'm sure you get the drift.

I have suffered with very severely dry hands, cracked, bleeding knuckles and the like, from this new environment, and believe me, it is not pretty. It is sore and uncomfortable and it doesn't help that you can't really take a break from it to let your hands recover, no, the hand washing continues. I have tried mass amounts of hand creams on the market; Neutrogena, Garnier, Vaseline and E45 to name a few, to try and put a stop to this dry hand madness, however, none have really ever repaired my hands to their former glory, or given them the moisture they need to recover. Enter Human + Kind All in One Family Remedy Cream.

Human + Kind All in One Family Remedy Cream - €22.95 for 75ml*

This cream ticks all the boxes. And I mean every single box. It's a multi-tasker, but it really and truly works in every department. This cream is the messiah of Hand Creams. It is an Irish brand, and is produced to remedy the A-Z of Family skin problems, kind of like Sudocrem, you know; cuts, nappy rash, acne, dermatitis, sunburn, insect bites, even razor burn. This godly stuff is better than Sudocrem. It also contains a natural anaesthetic to soothe pain, and helps heal wounds by forming a protective barrier over the affected area. Anything it can't do?!

Another amazing thing about this product is that each tube is crammed full of healthy, natural ingredients; Broccoli Extract, which protects skin from UV radiation; Aloe Vera, to soothe, hydrate and nourish; Marshmallow, (yes really!), to soothe and calm with anti-inflammatory properties; Rosehip Oil, a good source of Vitamin A with a strong regenerative action reducing dermatitis, eczema, and sunburn; Centella, which heals and treats scars and blemishes; and White Lily, which heals burns and wounds. It also contains shea butter, tea tree oil, calendula, avocado oil, and olive leaf extract.

This cream has a potent tea tree scent, which may put you off if you are looking for something specifically unscented for sensitive skin, but it is dermatologically tested, allergy screened, paraben free, with no added chemicals, and is suitable for all skintypes. This cream completely restored my dry hands and I noticed differences from the first application.

Wanna see something disgusting?! Of course you do.

I acquired this nasty burn from work, and what started off as a small burn with a blister, transformed into this disgusting mountain shaped cut, which is really quite horrible looking, if I do say so myself. I have been applying the Human + Kind Hand Cream on this baby constantly since it happened, and it looks so much better already. It is healing so quickly!

I am genuinely so so happy with this product, and although it may seem a little steep at €22.95 per 75ml tube, it isn't a fad product trying to nab you with false advertising tactics, it really works. It also won the Tatler Beauty Awards 2012/13!

You can find Human + Kind products on their website HERE, or find alternative stockists HERE.
:) x


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