Greetings from sunny Spain

Hola my lovely readers!!!

Sincerest apologies for the lack of updating!! I'm a failure of a blogger at the moment!!

But I have a good reason!!!

I got a surprise holiday to visit the boy while he was on holiday ( confusing I know but a holidays a holiday!!) as my twitter followers would know I have been in the sunny south of Spain since Sunday morning! I'm in love!!! I'm here till Friday and then fly back again on the 26th!!!

So I decided to take it a wee break from blogging /twitting!! Mostly due to the lack of Wifi ANYWHERE!! but I decided to post a little update and share some of the lovely pictures iv taken!! This place is incredible! If anyone has any desire to come to the south of Spain come to Nerja! You will fall in love!

Hope you are all having a wonderful summer where ever you are:) off to enjoy my mojito with the boy and then tapas lunch!!



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