Get To Know Me Tag

(from weheartit) 

Hello my lovelys!! 

I was hoping to have an OOTD post up for you all but bedridden again for a second week. I had a bit of a granny moment this week and fell and hurt my back, this must me a sign on my twenties. God knows what I'll be like in my thirties. This little clumsy moment has left me in bed and a regular visitor to my physio again. Now that I'v had time to lay in bed and ''study''- aka watch the Real Housewives and read blogs, Iv been able to catch up on all of my favorite Daily Reads

So last night while perusing one of my all time favorites Couture Girl I found an amazing tag she did a while ago. So I'v decided to do it for myself so all of you aren't without reading material and I can continue to be a good blogger!!! Tags are some of my favorite posts to both write and read. I love learning new facts about some of my favorite bloggers and sharing little facts about myself. Plus im albe to do it from bed with no tan , make up and my hair in a top knot!!! 

1. Are you named after anyone?

No unfortunately not that I know off. Its been said I was called Roisin because I was born with ''Rosie'' cheeks. Something that still haunts me today every time im nervous, embarrassed,cold,hot... or generally all the time really.

2. When was the last time you cried?

Sadly the last time I cried was the day before yesterday. I was in so much pain after my fall and couldn't get off the couch. My poor boyfriend was responsible for getting my up every time I had to move. It really wasn't pleasant at all. 

3. Do you have kids?


4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

I'd hope I'd be my friend. I usually see myself as a fairly talkative person, I will literally talk to anyone, by the end of a visit to Topshop the cashier is usually my bestfriend. So I'd more than likely strike up a conversation with myself and hopefully we would have a lot to talk about. 

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

I use it all the time, a lot of the time without even realising. Its kinda the Irish/English type of comedy to be sarcastic but I hate when people do it in a rude or horrible way to hurt others. 

6. Will you ever Bungee Jump?

Its something I'v always wanted to do but I honestly don't think I will ever have the nerve to get there. Hopefully one day I will do it.... Watch this space! 

7. What's your favorite cereal?

Im not a regular cereal person but when i do eat it its usually Coco Pops or Frosties. No matter how old I am I'm still a kid at heart with my cereal choices!! 

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?

When ever i meet someone for the first time, I always notice a) their make up if there wearing any, and b) Their clothes!! I dont know why but they are the 2 elements I will always focus on! 

9. What is your eye colour?

My eyes are really really strange and actually change colour. Iv googled it and its quite rare but half of the time they are bright green and the other half they are dark brown! its pretty cool!! I love them when they are green tho. They are beginning to change at the moment so I have half and half right now!! 

10. Scary movie or happy endings?

Happy endings all the time!!! I despise scary movies. I usually cant sleep after them so a happy ending will always win with me! 

11. Favorite smells?

Apart from perfume and all of those lovely smells I'd say my favorite would be freshly cut grass or the smell of a beach in the summer!! They are always so comforting to me. 

12. Summer or winter?

SUMMER!!! Its the middle of winter at the moment here and I HATE IT!! Its so cold and I seem to have an ongoing sniffle all the time. Its horrible! 

13. Computer or television?

Computer!!! Im always on my laptop and usually always watch tv on it too. But for movies you cant beat watching them on an actual tv. 

14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home?

The furthers away would probably be The States. I spent a few weeks in Charleston , South Carolina this summer and it was an amazing experience. I absolutely fell in love with the southern charm. 

15. Do you have any special talents?

Unfortunately not really, But I can fit my fist in my mouth... does that count?

16. Where were you born?

Dublin , Ireland. I havent moved at all since I'v been born. 

17. What are your hobbies?

My main one is obviously blogging. I also love to shop and cook.

18. Do you have any pets?

I have a little monkey of a puppy called Bonzo. I treat him as if he is my own child. Hes only going to be 3 this January so hes still as hyper as anything, 

19. Favorite movie?

I have so many Favorite movies but I'd have to say my main ones are any of the Sex and the City ones , The September Issue, On the Road or just Silly Rom-Coms. 

20. Do you have any siblings?

Nope Im all on my own. I absolutely love being on only-child. I have an absolutely amazing relationship with my parents and I wouldn't change it for anything. 

I hope you liked this little post, and please leave your link if you do this tag. I tag you all to do this!!!




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