Attention All Budding Fashion Designers!! You Need To Enter This

Hi lovelies, 

Are you a budding fashion designer?? Well if you are you will definitely be interested in this!

Recently  the lovely people at Talenthouse contacted me with this amazing new promotion they are running in connection with Whitney Port from the Hills and the City and Venus and Olay. This competition is open to all of my UK and Ireland readers who are budding fashion designers or have a flare for creating timeless pieces. 

To enter the competition , design a 2 piece either night or day , for Whitney to wear in Glamour Magazine. 

The winner will have their design WORN by Whitney Port in an upcoming shoot with Glamour Magazine. Not only that but you will also win £1,000 bursary toward their creative work and feature in a Beauty Recommended article.

Let me know if you enter as I'd love to see some of your designs. Only 16days left so GET ENTERING!!!! 

and good luck:D 


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