Mini Sephora Haul

So the parents are finally home from their mini break to Barcelona and to be honest I'm actually quite happy they're back. Don't get me wrong having some time to myself was A-MA-ZING but its nice to have dinner cooked for me again and not out of a microwave any more.

But I definitely think them bringing me home Sephora goodies made me want them home just a little bit quicker. Along with a couple of fashion goodies that you will definitely see in future posts, they brought me home some amazing goodies from the fashion blogger heaven that is Sephora.

Every time my family goes to Europe without me they are sent off with a list dedicated to my Sephora essentials. Yes I do have standard Sephora essentials. This time on my list was

Sephora Triple Action Cleansing Water

Recently I'm beginning to learn more and more just how sensitive my skin is. I have been using this product for a good 3 years now and recently ran out of my last batch. Thankfully mum was able to pick me up the extra big bottle so this time its not going anywhere soon. Its a very similar product to L'Oreal Miracle Water but I find it a bit softer on the skin as I tend to have reactions to the L'Oreal products. Definitely a must have if your in the market for a new cleanser and have a Sephora close by. 

Sephora Lip Liners in Funky Fuchsia and Pleasant Plum

I bought myself a Sephora lip liner a good 5 years ago now and it was amazing, that was until I lost it. Thankfully I am now back with my beloved. I've been really in love with bright pink and dark plum lippys, polar opposites I know, and these lip liners match perfectly. I definitely think Lip Liners are essential if you are using a pigmented bright coloured lippy.

Sephora Instant Moisturiser

I've actually never tried this product but I've heard soo much about it. I'm always in the market for new moisturisers and given how good sephora products are with my skin I'm presuming this will definitely be a new holy grail product.

What are your Sephora must haves?? I love hearing other people's beauty recommendations!



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