The lovelies at Rachel Dalton Communications treated us bloggers like princesses and packed our bags high with top of the line beauty goods. I have found so many gems in goodie bags, many of which will be making an apperience here at some stage, but nothing has impressed me more than the Mama Mio Boob Tube.
Now I'm no Pamela Anderson, so I knew this wouldn't really do much for my twins, but when I saw it firms the neck as well I just knew I had to try it. The neck has always been a bit of a problem area for me. I know I'm only 21 but I genuinely do have an excessive amount of neck lines, especially in relation to my lovely mother, who has the neck of a 20 year old.
I decided to give this beauty a go, and I've been using it every morning along with my normal moisturising and make up routine. I know its only been about 2/3 weeks since I received this baby but my golly it has made my neck a whole new woman. It is a lot softer and I'd say 50% reduced in all signs of lines and wrinkles.
I know I say this a lot, but today I really mean it, this product is an absolute godsend. I have genuinely always worried about my neck and its possible deterioration in the future but now that I have found this I think I have turned my necks ageing clock around.
Retailing at €35 , Mama Mio* Boob Tube is definitely worth the money. Be it boobs or neck that you have issues with I'd say try it and you won't regret it. It also can be used as a facial moisturiser as well for added benefits.
Available now online at Mama Mio.Com , Buy it before I get my hands on them all.
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