So I know it's been a while.......

This cold of mine has taken a harder toll on me than I ever thought. I'v been hibernating in my room trying to shake it when I'm not working or in college.

But finally.........yet again.... I think I'm better again......"I think".

Thanks to lots of puppy cuddles and new Jammies( penny's finest, aren't they cute?) and copious amounts of red wine last night I THINK I may be finally human again! Plus my tan is making me feel slightly like a human and not as pale as I have been. Its surprising how well you can feel with a little tan!!

Also the odd M&S Cookie has helped me too, It is a medical remedy right??

Thankfully I am well enough to venture out all dressed up and celebrate one of my favourite holidays! HALLOWEEN! I love reverting back to my childhood every year and dress up. Last yr I was a nerd....aren't I cute? And himself was a cow.....

This year he has stolen my idea and gone all nerdtastic himself, wonder what ill be....wait and see?;)

Happy (early) Halloween



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