Valentines Day Outfit of the Night

Apologies for the delay in posting my outfit from Friday! If you saw my tweets from Sundays #bbloggers chat, I'm currently on bed rest thanks to a not so pleasant injury so blogging wasn't on the top of my priority list the last few days. Now that I'm feeling a little bit perkier and how mu tea I'm all ready to share my Valentines Day Outfits with you all.

Poor John has the crap end of the stick in the fact that my birthday is only 3 days before Valentines Day, so he can never forget it. We have always had nice quite valentines days but this year we decided against any presents and decided to make a night out of it. 

I start of my Fridays shockingly early so always get out of work at 4, but John isn't out until 5.30 so to save me from popping home and then back in again we decided to make a night out if and we stayed in the Morgan Hotel so we could enjoy ourselves. 

Thanks to Uber my valentines started off the minute I was collected from work which was so special. This is the first time I ever used an Uber and it was perfect, my Valentines Day present definitely made it as well. 

The Morgan itself is a beautiful hotel. Only located in Temple Bar it is perfect if you looking for somewhere to stay in Dublin. The staff are absolute dolls and the hotel is absolutely beautiful and seamless. Its like living in pure serenity and luxury, and of course in all white which I adore. 

After a quick power nap, a new set of polished nails and curling my hair, himself had arrived and it was time to head out to dinner, however not before some lovely pink champagne, with strawberries of course. sadly we couldn't nab any actual champagne glasses so instead it was more a bucket of Champs, which isn't a bad thing at all. 

Of course himself was a little prince in his big chair with his champs. Far to adorable. 

As always I didn't have just one dress, instead I brought 5 options, however in the spirit of Valentines Day I decided a red coral was the perfect option. 

My Outfit

Dress- Pennys/Primark
Cardi- All Saints
Heels- Topshop
Bag- Dolce & Gabanna
Necklace- Chanel

This dress is an absolute steal, I picked it up in Pennys a few months ago and absolutely adore it. Sadly I didn't grab the same in black as it was also incredible but fingers crossed it may still be in stores (Doubt it) 
As Friday was absolutely freezing cold I had to throw on my cute All Saints cardi which doesn't 100% work with the dress but it helped to keep me warm. 
We have decided to go to Opium which is an absolutely incredible restaurant on Wexford Street. I would recommend it to everyone I know and we are already planning our next visit. 

The food was absolutely incredible. There was a fab set menu for Valentines so we can't wait to go back and try everything. 

For starters we got a mix of the in-house starters. We got vegetarian spring rolls, crap cake, and a multitude of different goodies all better than the last.

For my main I got the most beautiful Red Chicken Curry with rice which was incredible.  

Our seats were facing the bar which was fab because we saw the Opium famous cocktails popping out of the bar all night. 

So of course we had to try some of the cocktails they were just far to tempting. I went for the Mango Mojito and John went for the Opium Tea Service which is the most unique, and fairly strong, cocktail I have ever tasted. 

I think himself definitely  liked his as well!!!!! 

As it was a set menu deserts came complementary, but by then I was completely stuffed but I just had to have a nibble of the amazing chocolate and peanut butter brownie. If I wasn't so full I would have liked the plate clean.

After dinner we popped back to the hotel and headed down to the infamous Morgan Bar. I have never been here before but I will definitely be heading back its absolutely incredible. 

The next morning with very sore heads we managed to drag ourselves out of the comforts of The Morgan and back to reality, and reality means occupying the little babies. As much as I adore my puppy, Johns dogs are adorable and complete lap dogs which is the opposite of my little brat. 

We headed out to bring them for a walk and I just spent the time taking photos of their adorableness. 

These babies are far to cute!!!! What better way to end a blogpost then with cute puppies. 

Hopefully once this injury subsides I'll be back in form to blog a bit more!!! 



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